Title Screen

This game started as an assignment for my Introduction to Game Design class. The assignment was to create a simple snake game using Pygame modules. Once we fulfilled the requirements for basic game mechanics, we were able to add whatever else we wanted to make our game unique. I added a few features that I believe add to the game and make it more enjoyable for multiple playthroughs.
The game is a basic game of snake where the snake can move in 4 directions depending on which arrow key is pressed. There is food randomly placed around the screen which can be eaten by moving over it. If the snake eats the food, then the snake will grow by a pre determined amount. The growth rate is set to 3 squares, but it can be changed to whatever value. If the snake leaves the game screen or it touches its own body, then the game will end. Once the game ends, it will ask the player to enter a name. The name and score will be saved to an external file and will be displayed in a high score screen if it is high enough.